Детектор горячего вещества для монтажа под роликовым конвейером IRIS Z6500

детектор горячего вещества для монтажа под роликовым конвейером
детектор горячего вещества для монтажа под роликовым конвейером
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для монтажа под роликовым конвейером
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- Fiber Optic Hot Metal Detector - Mounts Below Roll Table - Billet, Bloom, Slab, Strip, Plate... detection - Head & Tail Detection With High Accuracy The Iris Z6500 (InfraRed Intelligent Sensor) is a precision hot metal detector specifically designed to meet the most challenging requirements in hot rolling mills. The Iris Z6500 includes three major elements : - a fiber optic system which detects infrared light emitted by the hot material, - a stainless steel mechanical tube which positions and protects the optical system in the line, - an electronic Sensor Control Unit which reacts to the presence or absence of light in the optical system. Applications : The Iris Z6500 Hot Metal Detector is mainly used for the most difficult detection applications with descale water, presence of heavy steam or mechanical obstruction, narrow space, such as: - Billet, bloom, slab, strip, plate… Head & Tail accurate detection - Detection before crop shear in hot strip and plate mills, - Close to rougher & edger rolls for precise timing of automatic thickness & width control.


IRIS Z6500
IRIS Z6500
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